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Danxiayanhong black tea



        The Huanglingzhang tea region, located near Danxiashan, has been one of China’s top ten tea-producing areas since the Tang Dynasty over 1,200 years ago. The high-altitude tea gardens here are situated over 1,000 meters above sea level, with ancient tea trees being native varieties. The red sandstone of Danxiashan and the high mountain forest climate impart a unique flavor to these ancient tea trees. Among them, Renhua Baimao tea (仁化白毛茶) has now been certified as a national geographical indication protected product. The tea leaves are tightly rolled and plump, with every fine hair on the surface gleaming. The aroma is very rich, combining the scents of orchids and roses, and it lingers. The brewed tea has a bright orange-red color, with a strong yet refreshing taste, and a sweet aftertaste reminiscent of fruit and honey. In recent years, it has won multiple top prizes and first prizes in national and provincial quality tea competitions.