

  As most Chinese travel apps don't have an English version, we recommend buying tickets offline to our foreign visitors.

  If you take the Danxiashan Express Bus, you'll arrive directly at the ticket office. If you're driving to our Geopark, go to the "丹霞山旅游风景区售票厅"(Danxiashan Tourist Scenic Area Ticket Office) to buy tickets. Please remember to bring your passport or other identification.


  We offer various online ticket purchasing options. Unfortunately, these are primarily designed for Chinese users and most of them do not have English support. We apologize for this inconvenience and we have are working to improve the service. Among the online options, we highly recommend using the Alipay mini app, which is one of the most common methods for buying tickets at major tourist attractions in China. 



  Shuttle buses within the park are free for all ticket holders, stopping at Yangyuan Mountain, Visitor Center (Museum), Cable Car, and Changlao Peak stations.

  Cable car and boat tickets can be purchased on-site at each boarding point.

  Luggage storage is available at the Visitor Center front desk from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM.

  For more information, call the official ticket office: 0751-6291630.