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Jinshiyan red cliff



  This is a red cliff with a height difference of about 200 meters and a length of about 400 meters. It is one of the most representative examples of danxia landscape in our geopark. The red rock strata were formed at the bottom of an ancient lake during the Cretaceous Period, around 100 million years ago. The vibrant red color originated from the arid and hot climate of that time. Over millions of years, these rock layers have been continuously uplifted by tectonic movements—they are still rising today. Meanwhile, the rock strata have been deeply and steeply cut by sediments carried by rivers, forming deep gorges, with Jinshiyan red Cliff being the cliff of one such gorge. After rain, we often see a temporary waterfall—Horse Tail Waterfall, named so because its shape is very similar to a horse's tail.

