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Yangyuanshi Rock (Male Rock)



Yangyuanshi Rock (Male Rock) is a stone pillar on the eastern cliff of Mount Yangyuanshan. It is named for its striking resemblance to a male genitalia. Discovered only in 1992, it caused a sensation upon being reported and has since attracted numerous visitors from around the world. Yangyuanshi Rock stands 48 meters tall with a diameter of 8.5 meters. It was formed through natural weathering and erosion, and its unique shape is related to the nature of its rock layers. The lower part is relatively smooth due to the homogeneous conglomerate, while the middle part has grooves because the conglomerate layers are interspersed with sandstone layers. Conglomerate is more resistant to weathering, whereas sandstone erodes more easily, resulting in more pronounced weathering of the sandstone and forming the characteristic grooves. This phenomenon, where differences in hardness lead to uneven weathering, is known in geology as differential weathering.