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The 2nd Danxiashan on Campus Event: Book Crossingand Science Lectures held in 250 Schools


“Danxiashan Spectacular Nature in the World” Book Crossing  is being held in China.jpg

“Danxiashan Spectacular Nature in the World” Book Crossing  is being held in China

  The 2nd “Danxiashan: Spectacular Nature in the WorldBook Crossing  is being held in China. The event is organized by Danxiashan UNESCO Global Geopark, aiming at popularizing geoscience, promoting the protection of geological relics and the sustainable development of the community, and transmitting the geoscience values of danxia landscape and Danxiashan UGGp to the public.

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Donate books to schools

  By March 2022, 252 science lectures in 250 schools or institutions in 73 cities of 23 provinces (autonomous regions, special administrative regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) had been held. A total of 756 books had been donated and more than 20,000 people had participated in the lectures. 9 exhibitions of the achievements of the field study in Danxiashan UGGp had been organized, which further enhance the public's understanding of geoscience science.

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Student volunteers are giving lectures in middle schools

  In order to well organize the event, Danxiashan UGGp has recruited many science popularization volunteers and encourages them to give lectures in the places close to them. On the theme of danxia landscape and the geoscience value of Danxiashan UGGp, a variety of activities including science lectures, seminars, parent-child activities, professional courses, etc. have been carried out. They have been well received by teachers and students.

  Since the 1st “Danxiashan: Spectacular Nature in the WorldBook Crossing was held in 2018, nearly 500 science popularization activities have been organized in different countries including China, Indonesia, Thailand, etc. As a “Danxiashan Model” for telling the stories of a UGGp, the event becomes an important window for people to realize geoscience.

  (by Li Guiqing, Xiao Wei)