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Wildlife Intelligent Monitoring System helps Conservation of Mt. Danxiashan Biodiversity


Artamus fuscus by Xie Qingwei.jpg

Artamus fuscus by Xie Qingwei

  With the support of Forestry Administration of Guangdong Province, Danxiashan Administrative Committee has developed a wildlife monitoring system under the guidance of School of Life Sciences, Sun Yat-sen University, for the purpose of developing Mt. Danxiashan Intelligent Reserve. 100 sets of infrared cameras and 2 sets of black light ballhead automatic monitoring equipment are installed in different areas in the reserve to make all-weather monitoring of wildlife. In the three months since the system was established, a large number of precious wild animal, mainly beasts and birds, have been shot, showing the ecological value of Mt. Danxiashan.

Prionodon pardicolor.JPG

Prionodon pardicolor

Prionailurus bengalensis.JPG

Prionailurus bengalensis

Pitta nympha.png

Pitta nympha

  According to preliminary identification, 29 species of mammals and birds have been monitored by August 10, 2021, with 691 valid photos. A variety of national and provincial protected animals have been monitored, including many Rare Animals Protected by Law like prionailurus bengalensis, prionodon pardicolor, lophura nycthemera, pitta nympha, etc.

Muntiacus muntjak.JPG

Muntiacus muntjak

Muntiacus muntjak is eating Ganoderma lucidum.jpg

Muntiacus muntjak is eating Ganoderma lucidum

Lophura nycthemera.JPG

Lophura nycthemera

  The project team is analyzing the data to better understand the population, distribution and living habits of wildlife in the reserve, so as to more accurately conserve wildlife and biodiversity. By August 2021, 224 species of birds have been observed within the range of Mt. Danxiashan. Compared with the same period last year, 56 new species of birds have been recorded, with an increase of 33% in one year, representing that the monitoring skills of the staff in the reserve have been significantly improved.

Bambusicola thoracica.JPG

Bambusicola thoracica

  During the three-month monitoring, the over 100 equipment installed in the buffer zone and core areas have not recorded any human entry and no phenomena of poaching wild animals and picking wild plants have been found, which shows that the aborigines’ consciousness of ecological conservation of the local people in Danxiashan UGGp has been significantly enhanced. They are consciously abiding by the relevant laws and regulations of the geopark, and have become the protectors of biodiversity and geological relics.

  (by Li Guiqing, Xiao Wei)