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Science Popularization Camp for Children of Danxiashan Employees held


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Science Popularization Camp for Children of Danxiashan Employees held

  A science popularization camp for the children of Danxiashan Employees was held by Danxiashan Administrative Committee on August 17, 2021, with the theme of “Danxia is my home·National Treasure Guardian”. More than 50 children of the employees from Danxiashan Cable Car Co., Ltd., Doctor Ecological Park Co., Ltd., Danxia Bus Co., Ltd. have attended. The event aims at deepening the children’s understanding of the scientific value of Danxiashan and the value of their parents’ position in the Geopark, enhancing their consciousness of loving Danxiashan and  conserving nature.

  During the three-day camp, the children have visited the natural scenery of Danxiashan, learned about biodiversity and danxia landscape. They have carried out sedimentation experiments, observed birds, stargazed, painted, took notes of nature and provided voluntary service.

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The children are being taught about nature

  The children has further realized the special value of Danxiashan World Heritage site and felt the hard work of their parents through audios, tutors' explanations and field trips, etc. They have established good relations with each other through mutual help and communication.

  "The summer camp is really good. It turns out that there are so many stories about Danxiashan. The plants and animals here are very interesting and the starry sky is also very beautiful. We are proud that our parents are playing a role of guardians of the Geopark. We are proud to be the little guardians of Danxiashan," said the children on the closing ceremony. The parents who were invited to the closing ceremony were happy to see the progress their children have made.

  “They have made new friends, learned to take care of each other, realized Danxiashan and enhanced their expression skills. It seems that they have grew up after the training camp.” the parents said.

  This is the second time that Danxiashan has held a science popularization camp for the children of the local employees. Participants were expanded to the children of the employees working in the local enterprises of Danxiashan.

  (by Li Guiqing, Xiao Wei)