Religious relics

Jinguiyan Temple

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  Jinguiyan Temple, located in the heart of Shaoshi on Jinguiyan Rock, connects to Changzhai Fortress in the east and features two parallel, traversing caves. The temple currently preserves various stone components such as offering tables, pillar bases, and rock bricks, all intricately carved with beautiful patterns and possessing high artistic value. Additionally, basic living facilities such as a pond and stone mortar are available. The temple houses two cliff inscriptions from the Northern Song Dynasty, "Record of Shejie" and "Inscription on Jingui Rock," which provide important clues for studying the early construction of rock temples and the spread of Buddhist culture in the Shaoshi region.

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  小水池Small Pond

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  Buddha Hall (South Cave Entrance)

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  Eighteen Arhats Hall (South Cave Entrance)

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  Eighteen Arhats Hall (North Cave Entrance)  

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