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发布日期:2015-01-08 15:54:00 来源:本网
丹霞的世界 世界的丹霞
The World of Danxia is the World’s Danxia
  A review of the growth of Mt. Danxia global geopark in the past ten years

  In January 2004, Mt. Danxia, the namesake of Danxia landform,became one of the first members of the World Global Geopark Network, during the first year of selection for global geoparks. Since then, Mt. Danxia has become more and more a part of the international landscape.

  丹霞地貌(Danxia landform),1928年冯景兰等在丹霞山考察时首先命名,历经曾昭璇、黄进、彭华等四代学者百年来持续深入的研究,成为中国地学届杰出的研究成果。以丹霞山为模式地的丹霞地貌在中国逐步形成了完整的学科体系。
  Feng Jinglan and some other Chinese geologists first named Danxia landform during an investigation at Mt. Danxia in 1928. Due to continuous intensive study for one hundred years, represented by four generations of researchers: Feng Jinglan; Zeng Zhaoxuan; Huang Jin; and Peng Hua, outstanding research results have been achieved in Chinese earth science. The model for Danxia landform is defined at Mt. Danxia, which gradually forms its complete system.

  Being one of the first members of UNESCO’S “Global Geoparks Network” was a beginning for Mt. Danxia and Danxia landform in marching into the world. Mt. Danxia successfully hosted the 1st International Symposium on Danxia landform in May, 2009 and the International Association of Geomorphology formed a Danxia working group in July of the same year. The formation of this group advanced Danxia towards the highest level of academia in the world. In August, 2010, six famous Danxia scenic spots in six provinces in South China were listed on the world natural heritage list in the name of “China Danxia”. This drew widespread attention from the rest of the world. The Second International Symposium on Danxia landform was held at Mt. Danxia in October, 2011. This was when IAG signed bilateral agreements, with the Mt. Danxia management committee, on cooperation towards construction of the international research foundation of Danxia landform. All of this demonstrates that after years of unremitting endeavor, and founded on Global Geoparks, Mt. Danxia has gradually become world famous as a scientifically valuable landscape, by way of academic activities to promote its image.
  After selected into the first members of UNESCO’S “Global Geoparks Network”, Mt. Danxia began to cultivate its scientifically valuable landscape image by the foundation of popular science, and of popular science basement built the Mt. Danxia museum, became popular science base in land and resources, a scientific education base for China’s youth and teaching practice base for higher education. Also, here was opened several surveying routes for geologic and biodiversity science, arranged over 200 popular science explication brands, published series of popular scientific books, such as “Landform in Mt. Danxia” and "The red stone park of China Danxiashan”, offered lectures, including: geology and geomorphology in Mt. Danxia, biodiversity, held large public science popularization activities about “China Danxia into Campus”. Having received 0.4 million popular science visitors makes it in fact a scientifically famous landscape.

  丹霞山世界地质公园的品牌建设也推动了当地经济社会的可持续发展。经过10年的努力,形成了以丹霞山为龙头的韶关旅游产业格局, 2013年丹霞山接待游客人数360万人次,旅游综合收入7亿元,较2004年分别增长了300%。旅游开发影响的区域,当地居民90%从事旅游服务,受益于公园的建设,已成为地质公园和自然遗产最为重要的守护者。
  At the same time, the promotion of the Mt. Danxia image pushed the local economy forward and allowed for social progress. After over 10 years of endeavor, Shaoguan developed a tourism industry with Mt. Danxia as the driving force. Mt. Danxia hosted 3.6 million tourists, and earned 0.7 billion yuan, separately up 300 percent. 90 percent of residents transformed into tourism- related personnel after the tourism development, and because of benefits from the development of tourism, they became more conscious about the importance of environmental protection of Mt. Danxia.
Glorius course- Mt. Danxia

1988年   国家级风景名胜区
1988      National Park of China

1995年 国家级自然保护区
1995     National Natural Conservation Area

2000年   国家AAAA级旅游区
2000  National Scenic-Tourism Area with AAAA Grade

2001年   国家地质公园
2001   National Geopark

2002年   国土资源科普基地
2002  Popular Science Bases in Land and Resources

2004年   世界地质公园

2004  Global Geopark

2008年   通过世界地质公园中期评估
2008    Pass the World Geopark mid-term evaluation

2009年 第一届国际丹霞地貌学术研讨会
2009     The 1st International Symposium on Danxia Landform

2010年 世界自然遗产
2010  World Natural Heritage

2011年 第二届国际丹霞地貌研讨会
2011  The Second International Symposium on Danxia Landform

2012年 国家AAAAA级旅游景区
2012  National Scenic-Tourism Area withA AAAA Grade

2012年 世界地质公园再评估
2012  Pass the World Geopark re evaluation

2013年 中国人与生物圈网络成员
2013  Chinese Man and Biosphere Network

2013年 全国重点文物保护单位
2013  Key Cultural Relic Unit Under State Protections

2013年   全国生态旅游示范区
2013    National Ecological Tourism Demonstration Zone

