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发布日期:2014-07-25 15:50:00 来源:本网
Let world nature heritage Mt.Danxia  move into the world using popular science
——popular science volunteers recruitment all over China


  This year marks the 30th anniversary of the founding of Mt.Danxia global geopark, and the 1st of  August is the 4th anniversary of Mt. Danxia being listed as a  world natural heritage site. The management committee of Mt.Danxia cooperates with geoparkhome, which is an organization established by alumnus of China University of Geosciences(Wuhan), to recruit popular science volunteers all over China.

  丹霞山是丹霞地貌命名地和全球丹霞地貌的研究基地,肩负着展示和普及地球科学的使命。凡是年满18周岁,身体健康,认同“爱护地球  推动地质保育”的“地瓜”理念;热爱科学和科普工作,热爱旅游、喜欢户外运动的科普爱好者均可报名;对于从事地球科学、地质、地理、旅游、环境、生物等相关专业的工作或学习的科普爱好者,以及中小学科学、地理、自然、生物等学科教师等优先考虑。
  Mt.Danxia is the namesake of Danxia landform, a base for international Danxia landform research, and is entrusted with the great mission to display and popularize geoscience. All who reached the age of 18, who share the idea of “caring for the earth, promoting geological conservation”, who love popular science, traveling, outdoor activities, are warmly welcome to be applicants. Working with geoscience, geology, geography, tourism, environment, biology or related majors is preferred, so are primary or middle school teachers of science, geography, nature, biography or related majors.

  The host will conduct a focused interview and an online interview, then make a comprehensive evaluation to determine the first 30 volunteers, and invite them to Mt.Danxia for practical training. Every year, volunteers should take part in Mt. Danxia activities, spread information about the geopark and Danxia landform, and produce essays and other Danxia related products. Popular science activities organized and plotted by the volunteers will be evaluated by Geoparkhome, and commendation and reward for outstanding volunteers will be financed by the management committee of Mt.Danxia.

  The events receives active education and technology support from the office of Department of Land and Resource of Guangdong Province. This event is also the first time for Mt.Danxia to buy from popular science enthusiasts and technology and education organizations. We would like more people to care about the protection and exploitation of Mt.Danxia, and the academic research of Danxia landform .

  During the event, lectures will be offered at China University of Geosciences(Wuhan), Sun Yat-sen University, Shaoguan University and other higher schools, in order to attract attention towards the scientific value from students and teachers whose major is geoscience or a related major by way of releasing policy about preferential price for teaching practice and incentives for research Danxia landform.

  Vast popular science lovers and science teachers can visit the web site of geoparkhome(www.geoparkhome.com) and Mt.Danxia information network . Or you can choose to subscribe geoparkhome and Mt.Danxia to fill out the “application form for membership of Mt.Danxia volunteers” on wechat, send to geoparkhomexy@163.com.

